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School Counselor


As School Counselors, our roles have continued to change over the years.  In addition to support services for students, parents, teachers, and staff, we also are assigned many additional responsibilities to ensure that every student receives the best education possible.  

Individual and Group Counseling...

School counseling services are short term, solution focused and geared towards helping the student be successful in the educational environment.  Any issues or concerns that happen outside of school, and do not impact the learning environment, will be recommended for outside counseling services at the parent's discretion.  Mental health issues (anger, depression, extreme anxiety, etc.) may also be referred for outside services based upon the severity of impact on the students academic performance.


School Counselors do NOT provide therapy for students.  My individual counseling services are brief, typically about 10-20 minutes, and are focused on skill building, coping strategies, and self-monitoring skills so they can engage successfully in the learning environment. We also focus on developing positive relationships and resiliency.


If you feel that your child needs mental health support or services, below are district approved resources for referral.  I can also help you navigate referrals based upon your child's need.



                     Mental Health Community Resources 



                     What do I do if my child needs behavioral or mental health services - Where do I start?


School Counseling Classroom Lessons....

Lessons follow our Manatee County monthly character traits which are aligned

to the Florida Resiliency standards. 

Classroom lessons are 15-20 minutes once a month in each K-5 classroom.






Intensive Support Team (Response to Intervention)
If your student is struggling academically or with behavioral issues, please contact the classroom teacher first.  The Intensive Support Team (IST) works with teachers and parents to help find methods of success in the classroom setting through targeted interventions and progress monitoring. The IST also makes recommendations for formal evaluations and ESE services.

If you think your student is demonstrating outstanding academic success and you would like them screened for the Gifted program, please contact your student's classroom teacher for referral information.  It is recommended that students be at the end of 1st grade or in 2nd grade before they are referred due to developmental appropriateness.

(If you choose to have your child evaluated outside of school, please make sure a Licensed Psychologist is doing the evaluation.  Otherwise, the results may not be accepted per our District Gifted criteria for eligibility.) 


How do I get an IEP for my child?

Parent University Presentation
504 Plans...
504 Plans are provided to students who have a significant limitation that impacts their ability to access the learning environment in comparison to their peers.  504 Plans provide accommodations in the general education setting.  Not every student with a diagnosis needs a 504 Plan with accommodations.  Please contact your child's teacher to discuss if your student should be evaluated for a 504 plan.
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